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Aim: was to optimize technics of ultrasound-guided vacuum-aspiration breast biopsy at 3 and 4A categories of BI-RADS scale and subsequent maintenance of patients.

Materials and methods: vacuum-aspiration breast biopsy was performed on 100 female patients aged 23-66 years. Long acting anesthetics were used for anesthesia. After the biopsy no residual tissue was detected.

Results: in 15% of cases (n=15), complications requiring different treatment tactics were revealed. According to histological studies 97% of tumors were benign. 3 patients were diagnosed with breast cancer classified into BI-RADS category 3. For 24% (n=24) of women, long-term results were obtained in 6 months with no signs of relapse.

Conclusions: ultrasound-guided vacuum-aspiration breast biopsy is an effective technics, that doesn't require complex preparation and doesn't take a long time to conduct. With sufficient training of the operator, it is possible to effectively control the completeness of the removal of mass. Using of long acting anesthetics allows ensuring good acceptability of the procedure and providing comfort to patients.




1.     Papathamelis T, Heim S, Lux MP. et al. Minimally Invasive Breast Fibroadenoma Excision Using an Ultrasound-Guided Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy Device. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2017; (2):176-181.

2.     Lakoma A, Kim ES, Minimally invasive surgical management of benign breast lesions. Gland surgery. 2014; (2):142-8.

3.     ACR BI-RADS Atlas® 5th Edition.

4.     Bennett I. C. The Changing Role of Vacuum-assisted Biopsy of the Breast: A New Prototype of Minimally Invasive Breast Surgery. Clinical breast cancer. 2017; (5): 323-325

5.     Seo J, Kim SM, Jang M, et al. Ultrasound-guided cable-free 13-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy of non-mass breast lesions. Public Library of Science one. 2017; 12 (6)

6.     Jung I, Min JK, Hee J M, et al. Ultrasonography-guided 14-gauge core biopsy of the breast: results of 7 years of experience. Ultrasonography. 2018; (1):55-62

7.     Hui-ping Huo., Wen-bo Wan., Zhi-li Wang., et al. Percutaneous Removal of Benign Breast Lesions with an Ultrasound-guided Vacuum-assisted System: Influence Factors in the Hematoma Formation. Chinese medical sciences journal. 2016; (1):31-36.

8.     Zhang YJ, Wei L, Li J., et al. Status quo and development trend of breast biopsy technology. Gland surgery. 2013; (1):15-24.

9.     Xiao-Fang He, Feng Y Jia-Huai Wen, et al. High Residual Tumor Rate for Early Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Vacuum-assisted Breast Biopsy. Journal of Cancer. 2017; 3: 490-496.

10.   Liu S, Zou JL, Zhou FL., et al. Efficacy of ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted Mammotome excision for management of benign breast diseases: analysis of 1267 cases. Journal of Southern Medical University. 2017; (8):1121-1125.

11.   Brennan M.E., Turner R.M., Ciatto S., et al. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ at Core-Needle Biopsy: Meta-Analysis of Underestimation and Predictors of Invasive Breast Cancer. Radiology 2011; (1):119-128.

12.   Safioleas PM, Koulicheri D, Michalopoulos N, et al. The value of stereotactic vacuum assisted breast biopsy in the investigation of microcalcifications. A six-year experience with 853 patients. Journal of Balkan Union of Oncology. 2017; (2): 340-346.



We have developed and assessed effectiveness of principles of planning a trajectory for the fine-needle aspiration biopsy of splenic focal lesions due to data of three-dimensional imaging. It is shown that the choice of fine-needle puncture trajectory for access of splenic focal lesions due to three-dimensional data allows to reach optimum combination of security, and informativeness of aspiration biopsy.



1.       Karaguljan S.R., Grzhimoloyskij A.V., Danishjan K.I. Hirurgicheskie dostupyk selezenke [Surgical access to the spleen]. Amnaby hirurgichsskoj gepatologii. 2006; 11(2): 92-99 [In Russ].

2.       Greschus S., Hackstein N., Puille M.F., Discher T., Rau WS. Extensive abdominal splenosis: imaging features. Abdom. Imaging. 2003; 28(6): 866-7.

3.       Usol'cevJu. K. Atipichnaja rezekcija selezenki. Diss. . k.m.n. [Atypical resection of the spleen]. Irkutsk. 1998: 129 [In Russ].

4.       Harnas S.S., Lotov A.N., Kondrashin S.A. Lecheniepacientov s neparazitarny mikistami selezenki. [Treatment of patients with non-parasitic cysts of the spleen]. Annaly hirurgicheskoj gepatologii. 2008; 13( 2): 36-43 [In Russ].

5.       Napoli A., Catalano C., Silecchia G., Fabiano P., Fraioli F., Pediconi F., Venditti F., Basso N.,Passariello R. Laparoscopic splenectomy: multidetector row CT for preoperative evaluation. Radiology. 2004; 232(2): 361.

6.       Lal A., Ariga R., Gattuso P., Nemcek A.A., Nayar R. Splenic fine needle aspiration and core biopsy. A review of 49 cases. Acta. Cytol. 2003; 47(6):

7.       Cigel'nik A.M., Moshneguc S.V. Trehmernaja vizualizacija v predoperacionnom planirovanii laparoskopicheskoj splenjektomii. [Three-dimensional imaging in the preoperative planning for laparoscopic splenectomy]. Medicinskaja vizualizacija. 2006; 6: 122-125 [In Russ].

8.       Xu W.L., Li S.L., Wang Y., Li M., Niu A.G. Role of color Doppler flow imaging in applicable anatomy of spleen vessels. World J. Gastroenterol. 2009; 15(5): 607-11.





Mediastinal lymphadenopathy is well diagnosed with diagnostic beam methods in primary care outpatient care. The problem is the heterogeneity of this group of diseases, requiring differential diagnosis, on the basis of which individual treatment plan is developed. Morphological verification is a prerequisite for the effective management of such patients

Aim: was to improve the diagnosis of patients with different mediastinal lymph node using endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) by evaluation of EBUS cabinet, algorithmization and improvement of its structure and working procedure.

Materials and methods: for the period 2012-2016, 115 patients underwent endobronchial ultrasonography, in 71 cases of which (45,8%) EBUS was accompanied by fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB).

Results: we had investigated the capacity, efficiency Further development of and prospects were identified.

Conclusions: optimizing of structure of the EBUS cabinet, algorithmization of procedure can improve the level of the differential diagnosis in patients with mediastinal lymph node lesion anc reduce the time of examination of patients in this group.



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